Why do we Sing?

Have you ever asked the question, “Why do we sing at church?” Well, let’s look at the Bible and see how the church sings to respond to and remember the goodness of God!

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Rhett Thomas
What is Worship?

To understand why we do what we do when we come to church, first we need to understand “what is worship?” We were made to treasure God above all other things in our life, and because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross we can have our sins washed away to know and treasure Him again! Even better, He is making a people of His own heart, the church—which He gathers every week to rehearse the Gospel and worship Him together!

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How to Prepare to Lead Worship

“Craft builds confidence, and confidence shows up.” This is why we get better at what we do—not to earn God’s love or impress people in the church, but to steward the gifts God has given us well and to show up on Sunday ready to lead with confidence. Here are three principles for preparing, and a 7-day practice method for preparing for Sunday!

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